I hear the sirens calling
As the rain is gently falling

Tomorrow never knows

bugarachbybenhammottskruffflogoI have been interviewed about the end of the world by Skrufff, the club culture and electronic music blog run by top DJ and journalist Jonty Skrufff. You can read the article here, but you’ll need to get a bit of a wriggle on because we’re all going up in smoke on 21 December 2012. That’s what the ancient Mayans believed, anyway. Or rather, that’s what some esoteric bods think the Mayans believed. And in case you haven’t been paying close attention to your advent calendar, 21 December is this Friday. Which is, er, tomorrow.

You shouldn’t worry unduly about this, though, because it’s going to be relatively easy to avoid the apocalypse. All you have to do is get yourself to the Pic de Bugarach, a mountain in south-west France. From there, depending on who you listen to, you will either be beamed up into a spaceship by aliens and transported to a far-off galaxy or led deep inside the mountain by a secret race of underground people. I’m going along with the aliens thing myself, not least because Bugarach has been a hotspot for UFO sightings for many years. It is also said to have been a major inspiration for Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters Of A Third Kind”.

I talked about Bugarach in Rat Scabies And The Holy Grail. It’s in the foothills of the Pyrenees, just down the road from Rennes-le-Chateau. It’s a very remote place, but head for Carcassonne and follow the people in the red and white hooded robes and you should be OK.

Of course, if you happen to be reading this after 21 December 2012, well, you obviously made it. Nice one. And thank goodness they’ve got the internet up here on Planet Zknog, eh?

Bugarach Mountain photograph courtesy of Ben Hammott

7 Comments on “Tomorrow never knows”

  1. Stay Drunk says:

    I spent most of my magazine career writing about this stuff and now that it’s upon us, I’m feeling strangely detached (must be a sign of me getting ready to ascend or summit). Tomorrow we’re having an end of the world pizza party and my sister is cracking open her archive of end of the world flicks and showing us this trio of fun: Deep Impact, Armageddon and The Core ( a film my sister is convinced is ‘so bad, it’s good’). Personally I’d have preferred she open up her zombie archive but we’re staunch traditionalists when it comes to matching subject matter to impending doom and are waiting for the next round of NHS cuts for that particular film fest. Mostly, we’ll be trying to find oblivion in the bottom of a few bottles of Baileys. Have a good one, Push.

  2. David Eric Cummins says:

    Zknog? I thought perhaps it’d be Planet Mfkzt.
    I’m looking forward to all the December 22nd newspaper headlines: “The End Is…Nah”.

  3. Anton Hebb says:

    Mayor of Burgarach (S of France), wants no more visitors seeking refuge from the end of the world ! Are we to late ?

  4. Push says:

    Thanks for your comments. Looks like we’re all still here!!

    @Stay Drunk Hope you had a good time – and you’ve saved some Baileys for Christmas. I’ve not forgotten your mags, by the way. I saw a few copies at the back of my storage lock-up the other day. Just need to find time to pull everything out so I can get to them!!

    @David Damn, I should have thought of Mfkzt. Good call, my friend.

    @Mr Hebb I think we might be too late now Tony. Perhaps just as well, eh? Hope you’re keeping well.

  5. Lisa says:

    Ah, glad to see you managed to survive the apocalypse. I didn’t need to go to Pic de Bugarach. I must be made of tougher stuff. Besides, nothing horrific could happen on one’s birthday.

  6. Push says:

    I know that you’re made of tougher stuff, Lisa!! Hope all is well with you. And a very belated Happy Birthday.

    • Lisa says:

      Some sort of closure or explanation would make one feel less inclined to have to resort to toughness. Its really just classified as being a survival tactic. A man on the Clapham omnibus or was it another bus or a Nigel, once said, he never forgot the 1st day of Winter Solstice. TY

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